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6 Points to Know Kainchi Dham: The Ashram of Neem Karoli Baba

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Kainchi Dham: The Ashram of Neem Karoli Baba

India is a vibrant mosaic of diverse cultures and religions that have coexisted for millennia. We can easily understand the diversity by visiting from one end to another; from Kashmir to Kanyakumari.


You will see the many ancient places with its special appearance and importance such as the Kainchi Dham have; which attracts many celebrities such as Steve Jobs, Mark Jukerburg. Further, in this blog we describe the other facts about of Kanichi Dham and inspire you for visit once.


The Kainchi Dham one of the religious tourist destination of Well-Known place Nainital. It is situated on the Nainital-Almora road near Bhowali at the elevation of 1600 metres above the mean sea level. The word kainchi (scissor) originated based on the geographical condition of location; as the Ashram situated between two hills crossing each other sharply like scissor.

Kainchi Mandir From Hill Side
Kainchi Mandir


The Ashram established by Baba Neem Karoli in 1960’s has delighted the hearts of seekers from around the world due to its specific location and the peaceful environment. The picturesque location of the ashram surrounded with lush green forest and bank of Majestic Kosi River.


According to the ancient legends, A devote of Maharaj-ji acquired the land and build an ashram at this spot, which was initially a remote area. Nevertheless, the ashram is a lively center of sanctity which attracts a mass of devotees round the year.

Neem Karoili Baba and Kainchi Dham.

Neem Karoli Baba born as Lakshmi Narayan Sharma in 1900 and later became devotee of Lord Hanuman and detached from worldly life; merge into spiritual life. The Life principal of Baba was bhakti yoga while encouraged service to others (seva bhav) as the highest form of absolute devotion to God.


The ashram runs various charitable initiatives including free food distribution, medical camps and educational programs for underprivileged children. These activities symbolize the Baba’s wisdom and Ashram nobility. In 1973 the Neem Karoli baba left the physical world and body behind but his spiritual wisdom continues to prosper at Ashram.


15th June, the Pratishtha Divas is celebrated at the ashram every year. A large number of devotees come to Kainchi Dham to get Prasad during this time.

Kainchi Mandir from River Side

Global Recognition

The teaching of Neem Karoli Baba has been transcended not only in India but round the world also. In 1971, Ram Dass (Dr. Richard Alpert) published his book “Be Here Now” who played a pivotal role in introducing Neem Karoli Baba’s wisdom to a global audience and many western seekeers get attached with Kainchi Dham.  

Various names counts if we talk about Kainchi Dham Even Steve Jobs, Mark Jukerburg has also visited the Kainchi Dham. Indian celebrity Anushka Sharma, Virat Kohlli has also visited to Asharm for blessings. 


Neem Karoli Baba Ashram is must visit place for Lord Hanuman devotee, who looking for spiritual serenity and silence including devotee of Neem karoli Baba. You can undersatand the Chrsima of Kainchi temple that it is the place where you can find your answers of all question and to find the ultimate truth of life.

Shri Neem Karoli Baba a Hindu guru who was a devotee of Lord Hanuman and is reputed to have performed many miracles throughout his life. Presently, Mr. VC Joshi is looking after the Neem Karoli Baba Ashram.

Kainchi Mandir Entrance

Travel plan for visit to kainchi Dham

Best Time to visit Kainchi Dham:  

This pilgrimage open up for visitors round the year, however, Monsoon season may not favors up to some extent due rainfall and road blocks. You can also visit during monsoon by planning suitable timing and can witness the beauty of relinquish clean valley and mountains of kainchi Dham.


The Ashrma Open everyday from 5:00 am – 4:00 pm. 

Entry Fee:

There is No entry fee for Ashrma 

Phone: 05966 220227

How to reach.

Nearst railway station is Kathgodam is about 45 km from the Kainchi Dham. Can be  opted Taxi and Buses of UTC. Nearest Airpot is pantnagar is 76 km away by hiring a taxi cab from the airport. 

Hotel and Stay.

Hotels and Lodges are available in the nearby range of Kainchi Dham Ashram and in bhowali . Ashrma itself provides stay for which prior booking is required.

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